The Locanda Visaisa is a perfect destination for those who enjoy outdoor activities and extreme sports.

Situated in Saretto, the hamlet serves as a crossroads for trekking paths, excursions, and mountain biking trails that lead to the upper Val Maira’s passes and lakes.

This location is also a must-stop for several routes, including GTA Gran Traversata Alpina, Roberto Cavallero, the Occitan paths, and Dino Icardi, which connect France and the valleys of Maurin, Unerzio, and Varaita.

Sports climbers will love the peaks of the Cozie Alps while bouldering enthusiasts will flock to the Dolomite boulders located near the tavern.
During winter, the area is a paradise for skiing, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing.

For guests who prefer simple walks, forest trails are leading to neighbouring municipalities.

In the garden, visitors can find comfortable loungers perfect for napping while enjoying second-hand books offered for sale by the Cuneo “Senza Polvere” bookshop.
